dear future me… // writing a letter to myself at the end of junior high!

Hey daydreamers! I’m BACK, and in full swing, thanks to a random burst of inspiration and motivation to blog. 😂 I have been SO BUSY the past couple of weeks, because I just started school! And let me just tell you…adjusting from having absolutely zero obligations or due dates, 80% free time, and being so insanely bored that I was way too excited for school to start than the average 7th grader should be, to 30 hours of homeschool/homework a week, a full school day 3x a week, cheer twice a week, dance four times a week, chores, AND keeping up with friends has been HARD. On top of that, I had a *lovely* sty that only just went away and some serious writer’s block, so I definitely needed the 2/3-week break I took! However, I’m SO grateful to be back at school, in a routine, and seeing my friends. I definitely prefer being busy to being bored, even if it’ll take a bit of adjusting at first!

Anyway, I’m back and I have a super fun post this week! I’ve seen a couple of “Dear Future Self” letter posts lately, and I really wanted to write one too! I decided to write this to myself on the last day of 8th grade, meaning I just completed junior high. If I (hopefully!) still have this blog in 2 years, I’ll revisit this letter and respond to myself! Here’s the letter I wrote [anything un-italicized and in brackets like this is stuff I added to the letter to make more sense to you!]

Dear future self,

Hey! It’s the 12-year-old (almost 13) version of you, from September 4, 2020. My first day of 7th grade was Monday, August 24th, and you just had your last day of 8th grade today! Woohoo, you MADE IT! I hope finals went well and that this summer will be totally awesome.

Junior high so far is EASY – it’s just like riding a bike! Except the bike is on fire and you’re on fire and everything’s on fire and you’re drowning in a pile of homework. In all seriousness, even though it can be super stressful and is a huge jump from 6th, I’ve been really enjoying 7th, even with the new building and the limited seats and masks and all that, it’s been SO good to be busy, even if that means a few math tests!

I hope that you’re still blogging, even if it’s not every week, and you’re still best friends with Taylor, Riley, Barkley, Lulu, & Arrow [codenames, lol]. PLEASE tell me that everything is back to normal, or at least almost normal, and that 2021 and 2022 have been *way* better years than 2020. 2020 stinks even more than Chewy’s butt when he needs a bath, and that’s saying something, [especially considering I don’t normally say butt on my blog lol]. What is the world even like now? Do you have social media? Are masks still a thing? Can you hug random people if you felt so inclined? Is the world + life in general getting better?

What’s been the best and worst things about junior high? Have you made more new friends? Have you done homework or blogged in a coffee shop yet? 🙂 Did you ever write that novel you keep putting off? Are you still dancing? Did you make company? Are you still in cheer? Have you done an extension or full-up yet? Are you on track to playing Clara in the Nutcracker someday? What does your room look like now? What is your little sister like? What are YOU like? Did you like your teachers, your classes, your schedule this year?

Your 12-year-old self is doing pretty good and is definitely enjoying life and having fun but is definitely a little stressed. XD I want to be a journalist/reporter or an endocrinologist when I grow up, and I listen to Taylor Swift, Kenzie, the Jonas Brothers, and Surfaces – ooh, and the Hamilton soundtrack, which just came out on DIsney+! I’m terrified and excited about the school year ahead, and it also freaks me out to think I’ll be 14 when I’m reading this (and 13 way too soon)! Right now I’m trying to read my Bible every night, trying to memorize more verses, and I hope you still are! How was Camp *insert name* last summer? What session did you go to? Was it as fun as last year? Do you still talk with the Driftwood girls? Have you made it past a shoe size 4 yet?

And now for the mushy part: Remember that yourself at the beginning of 7th grade would totally look up to you, and this letter is a reminder of how far you’ve come! YOU DID IT – you made it past 7th AND 8th grade, you survived a global pandemic and the worst year ever, you only have 2 years left to get your driver’s license. You have family and friends that love you and serve a God who loves you even more. DON’T STRESS (hahahahahahahaha) and really enjoy this summer and make it the best one yet before high school (!!!). Don’t forget to laugh at yourself and love your imperfections.

I can’t wait to meet you – and I can’t wait to BE you!

Lots of love from yourself on Sept. 4, 2020, age 12 years, 10 months, and 25 days

Then I put it in an envelope along with $1 in cash, just because it’s fun to find money randomly, wrote “DO NOT OPEN UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF 8TH GRADE” on it, and hid it at the bottom of my sock drawer. I also set a phone reminder for May 2022 to open the letter in case I forget!

And that’s my letter to my future self! I can’t wait to read it in two years and respond back to myself. I hope it inspired you to make your own letter to your future self, whether it be for the end of the school year, at your next birthday, a milestone, your future husband or kids, or the end of the pandemic! I definitely missed you guys and I’ll see you next week!

Are you going to write a letter to your future self? Any tips for starting junior high? Do you like these types of posts?

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