a little life update! (featuring an all-nighter, performances,and minor accomplishments)

heyy daydreamers! gosh, it has been forever since i’ve posted on here, and i’m super sorry about that! (after i had all of these goals of posting more…oops!) i thought it would be a fun idea to share what’s been going on in the couple of months since my last posts on here, and fill you guys in on everything that’s been happening! i haven’t missed actually blogging too much, but i’ve really missed all of y’all and i’m super glad to be popping in here to say hey! let’s get right to the post 🙂

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january recap (ft. books, clothes I didn’t buy and resolutions!)

Hey daydreamers! You guys loved my 2021 time capsule post, and I loved writing it! I thought it would be a great idea to start doing monthly recaps, and you guys seemed to agree in the survey, so here we are!

January was full of some amazing memories! Obviously these are just the highlights: January was far from perfect, but isn’t every month? I’ll be sharing some of my favorite books and songs from the month as well! Here we go!

Continue reading “january recap (ft. books, clothes I didn’t buy and resolutions!)”

2022 vision board & resolutions! (+ a survey)

Hey daydreamers, & welcome to the first official post of 2022! I have a bunch of fun things coming around the blog in the new year, starting with a new design! I liked the old one but I was kind of getting tired of it, so make sure to head over to the website if you’re in the WordPress reader!

I thought it would be fun to show y’all the vision board I put together for 2022 (if you want to make your own, I did a whole tutorial here!) It was a super great way to spend new year’s day putting this together! I’ll also be sharing some of my resolutions for the new year (so maybe I’ll actually stay accountable since I’ve put them on here lol.)

Continue reading “2022 vision board & resolutions! (+ a survey)”

a 2021 time capsule (ft. my real name!)

Hey daydreamers! It’s Hannah here!

After five years of blogging under a pen name, that felt pretty weird to type! I’m not sure if any of y’all thought Emmie was my actual name, but if you didn’t know, Emmie has been my blogging name for a super long time. It’s actually short for the username I created when I was nine – “EmeraldPhoenix,” which I thought was an amazing choice at the time. 😂 (The “Emmie” comes from “Emerald”.)

Part of why I’ve been in a bit of a blogging slump lately, I think, is that it was starting to feel weird to use a different name. It’ll probably take all of us some getting used to, but I feel like I can be a lot more open with you guys now! As this year comes to a close, I feel like this “name reveal” is going to be the start of an amazing new chapter of Diary of a Daydreamer in 2022.

Which leads me to today’s post… I thought it would be really cool to make a sort of 2021 time capsule to look back on in the future! I haven’t done a yearly recap in a while, but I always like reading other people’s and wanted to make my own. Let’s get right to the post!

Continue reading “a 2021 time capsule (ft. my real name!)”

what I got for christmas 2021!

Hey daydreamers! Christmas went by so quickly this year. It didn’t feel like Christmas at all until the actual day, and it was over just like that. I didn’t ask for many specific things, plus I completely forgot what I asked for, so I was super surprised what I got! This Christmas was amazing, and I’m super grateful for everything!!

I love reading these types of posts, so I hope you enjoy this one too!

Continue reading “what I got for christmas 2021!”

christmas eve outfit ideas (& 5 years of blogging!)

Hey daydreamers! Wow, it has been a while since I’ve typed that… I feel like such a bad blogger–I haven’t posted in over a month. Partly from extreme busyness (from school/rehearsal, straight to finals, right into Nutcracker weekend, a vacation, and now Christmas) and partly from lack of motivation/ideas. But I’m back, and hopefully, I can post more consistently now that I’m on break!

And yet somehow after barely posting this school year?? We’re almost at 500 followers?? How is that possible?? Guys, there are so many other blogs much better than mine to spend your time on, and yet y’all actually like reading what I have to say. That literally blows my mind. I genuinely can’t believe this! *giant virtual group hug* 🤗🥰😭

Also, peaking of surprising milestones…I’ve officially been blogging for 5 years! This particular blog has only been around since 2019, but I started my very first blog (if you want, check it out here and read some of the old posts… it’s quite entertaining to look back on!) on December 21, 2016! I’ve definitely come a long way since then! In all of my fourteen years of existence, I’m so glad that blogging has been a creative outlet for five years of it.

Gosh, that was an emotional rollercoaster of an intro, and I haven’t even explained what this post is about yet. 😂 Today I’ll be sharing five super cute outfit ideas for Christmas Eve! These are perfect for all of your plans – whether it’s Christmas Eve service or gathering with family, or just staying in, I had a ton of fun putting these outfits together! Let’s (finally) get to the post.

Continue reading “christmas eve outfit ideas (& 5 years of blogging!)”

what to ask for christmas/teen girl gift guide

Hey daydreamers! Guys, Red (Taylor’s Version) came out yesterday and this Swiftie is a mess. 😭 I’ll have to do a post reacting to each song like I did for evermore last year!

It’s only November (and, in my opinion, not technically Christmas yet because Thanksgiving hasn’t happened…) but everyone’s doing all their Christmas shopping early. Relatives are already asking for ideas, and if you’re like me, you’re stuck on what to ask for! I put together a huge list of some fun ideas to put on your Christmas wishlist (you can also check out last year’s post for even more ideas!). Plus, this can also serve as a gift guide for any teenage girl you’re shopping for!

This post also isn’t sponsored by any of the brands or products mentioned 😉 Let’s get right into the ideas!

Continue reading “what to ask for christmas/teen girl gift guide”

october recap/photo dump

Hey daydreamers! I don’t normally do these monthly recap things, but I’m in the mood for a chatty post with lots of fun pictures, plus I wanted to update you guys on all the things that have been going on for the past month! Once again, haven’t blogged in a few weeks – it’s been pretty tricky to find time for it, plus I’m also a little stuck on ideas. Let me know any post ideas in the comments!

Let’s just dive right into the recap!

  • I turned 14! I had an AMAZING birthday this year that I’m super grateful for! I spent the day before with my dance bestie – we grabbed boba and had a blast trying on outfits at Target after rehearsal. The next day, I went to church and lunch. My friends and I went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, which was so fun to get to spend time with them and eat some yummy food together on my birthday!
  • I did a super fun dance photoshoot on my birthday with my dad, and the photos turned out so cool! I wore some old pointe shoes and a practice tutu, and we went to a park nearby to take the pictures. It was super windy, but the photos ended up really cool!
  • I took the PSAT for the first time, which was an interesting experience. I tried to prepare for it using the book in the picture, but I ran out of time to do the math section. On the math part of the test, I was basically randomly selecting answers (“this one really feels like a C kinda question”) since it was mostly algebra stuff I didn’t know. I felt pretty confident about the english parts though. It was a good experience to have, but a little stressful.
  • To celebrate my birthday, my grandma and I went to a dance store, and I got some super cute new leos! I’ll have to do a haul to show you guys what I got. We also grabbed Starbucks on the way back and went to dinner together. Going to the dance store is always a special trip since it’s a half hour away, so it was really special and fun to go together!
  • Speaking of dance, it’s been extremely busy (but fun) preparing for the Nutcracker! I don’t think I ever announced this on the blog, but I’m playing Clara this year, which is really exciting! I’ve been wanting to play Clara ever since the first time I saw the Nutcracker, when I was four years old. It’s always been the ultimate goal to do this role, and it’s really cool that I’ve reached that goal! We got to do a photoshoot with the costumes, which was super fun (also surprisingly exhausting).
  • Besides playing Clara, I’m doing 5 other parts this year, which is INSANE. Our company is pretty small this season, so a lot of us are playing several parts. I’m in Spanish corps, Arabian corps, Waltz of the Flowers, and one of the two Chinese dancers. I also have to be a party boy on the nights I’m not Clara because there aren’t enough guys 😂 Obviously I’m not doing every role in every show, but on different nights I’ll still be doing multiple parts.
  • I’m basically living at the dance studio, but I love it! It’s been fun to hang out with my dance friends. Lately I’ve been at the studio 7 days a week (which is why I haven’t been blogging that much 😂)
  • I’ve been taking a ton of sky pictures…these are my favorites! October sunsets are the best sunsets, in my opinion.
  • This is maybe the most basic photo I’ve ever taken in my entire life 😂 I’ve even got the leggings, fuzzy socks, and coffee mug…(I was drinking tea though, not a pumpkin spice latte 😝) I’ve been getting back into the Harry Potter books and movies lately. I first read the books in elementary school, but I read them again in quarantine, and have been obsessed ever since.
  • My friend and I did a nighttime photoshoot with hoodies, a self timer, and flash on, and it was so funny. Some photos actually turned out really good and others not so much… 😝
  • I saw the Jonas Brothers in concert, and oh my goodness, it was SO FUN! Kelsea Ballerini opened, and she did such a good job. When the Jonas Brothers came out, everyone was screaming, and they played a ton of their old songs! We were super far back in the lawn, so it was mostly watching the jumbotron haha. It was an AMAZING experience and so fun to jump around to the songs, knowing every word, and it felt amazing to see live music since I hadn’t in forever.
  • We wrapped up football season, which was amazing! I was a little skeptical of having such a huge team this year, but we ended up getting to do some amazing stunts, which were so fun. I loved all of our halftimes, and I feel like I improved so much from last year technique-wise. I also understand football a lot better (lol) so that helped make the games more interesting. 😝
  • And of course, Halloween! I don’t really have any great pictures, but I was a lifeguard with some friends for actual Halloween, and we also got to dress up throughout the week at dance. We did a decades group costume (each person dressed like a different decade) and the different fairies from the Tinkerbell movies 😛

I hope you guys liked this different kind of post, it was super fun to reflect back on the month and make a list of some of its highlights! Overall, October was a super fun-filled and busy month with lots of super fun experiences. And of course regular days, but I didn’t write about the boring parts lol. It’s crazy that it’s already November! Thanks so much for reading through this, and I hope you guys enjoyed!


Anything fun to share from this month? What were you for Halloween? Have you ever been to a concert? Which Jonas Brother is the best? (*cough* Nick *cough*)

Fall Outfit Inspiration!

Hey daydreamers! How has everyone’s week been?

I’m so excited for today’s post! I love the kind of weather where you can wear long pants and short sleeves or shorts and long sleeves together. Now that the weather’s finally getting a little cooler, it’s finally time to wear jeans and sweaters! I also got some fun jewelry for my birthday, so I had lots of fun putting these outfits together! Hopefully they give you some inspiration for some fall looks this month. Let’s get right into it!

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October Playlist + Aesthetics (ft. free wallpapers!)

Hey daydreamers! I’m alive! Sorry that I disappeared for a few weeks! I have been EXTREMELY busy for the past month or so. Between school, cheer, friends, and ballet (especially with Nutcracker coming up, I’m at the studio 7 days a week), I’ve had almost no time to blog. I might not be able to be as consistent with blogging as I was in the summer, since free time = nonexistent right now. 😛

For today’s post, I thought it would be fun to share my playlist of the month for October – it’s full of cozy vibes and some current favorite songs, so I’m super happy with it! – as well as some fun fall aesthetics and a mini life update to catch up with you guys. Let’s get into it! All of these photos are from Pinterest.

Continue reading “October Playlist + Aesthetics (ft. free wallpapers!)”