Recent Favorites! // Clothes, Music, Books, Skincare & More!

Hey daydreamers! I’m definitely cutting it close this week – I’m writing this at 12:00 on Saturday and I normally post at 10:00 on Saturday. Anyways, today’s post is some products, clothes, music, books, skincare, and more that I’ve been loving recently! Sort of like a shopping haul with things I recently got and love. I’ll link to as much as I can so you can check these items out, and this post isn’t sponsored!

Also, if you haven’t yet, make sure to check out the giveaway! It’s closing this Tuesday, and I’ll announce the winner on Wednesday, so make sure to enter before it closes! And remember, you can still use my code EMMIE20 for 20% off your order at TwoFifty Scrunchies through August!

Okay, let’s get onto the post! It’s pretty similar to last week, since I found a really good lighting spot for these kinds of posts, so sorry about that. Also, I’m not trying to brag about anything in any way!! I just really love these items and wanted to recommend them to you, and I’m super grateful to have them.

keep reading